Standards & Designations – Health Standards
Sophisticated biomedical research programs require the use of genetically-defined laboratory rats and mice, as well as technical services that are performed in compliance with established Quality Control standards.
InVivos is committed to supply researchers with top quality laboratory animal models and services that meet these requirements. The Taconic International Health Monitoring System™ (IHMS™) that InVivos follows includes testing for a comprehensive list of microbiological agents which meets or exceeds the animal health guidelines used by virtually all research institutions.
To assist investigators in selecting the correct animal models to meet the microbiological/health standards of their study, Taconic has established several health standards for its animal models. InVivos will be producing animal models under Taconic’s Restricted Flora™ (RF™) and Murine Pathogen Free™ (MPF™) health standards.
Restricted Flora™
RF™ rodents harbor a wide variety of commensal microorganisms in their flora but the animals and their environment are intensively monitored to detect the possible presence of specified unacceptable bacteria that can be pathogenic in immunocompromised rodents. (Click here (PDF file: 170KB) for a complete list of tolerated/not tolerated agents) The animals are maintained in Barrier Breeding Rooms (BBRs) additionally utilizing IVC technology and handling techniques to protect the animals from opportunistic organisms which may be carried by human technicians. Taconic’s quality control laboratory screens monthly for 5 organisms that are not accepted in the RF™ colonies: Beta hemolytic Streptococcus species, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella oxytoca,Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. A description of the RF™ microbial monitoring procedures and the test results are available. If an unacceptable organism is detected in a Barrier Unit housing RF™ animals, extensive testing and culling is performed to eliminate the organism. RF™ animals are shipped in Taconic’s filtered, plastic shipping containers. No RF™ unacceptable organisms allowed.
Read more about Taconic’s RF™ Health Standard (PDF 105KB).
Murine Pathogen Free™
MPF™ rodents are repetitively and consistently monitored to verify that they do not harbor microorganisms that are known to be pathogenic under a variety of study conditions. Organisms eliminated by testing and culling in the RF™ designation are tolerated in MPF™ environments and animals but are regarded as undesirable. (Click here (PDF file: 170KB) for a complete list of tolerated/not tolerated agents) MPF™ rodents are maintained in virtually all types of Taconic Barrier Units. Each Barrier Breeding Room colony is rigorously monitored to confirm its MPF™ status and to detect bacteria that are tolerated but undesirable. Results of these health tests are fully documented in Taconic’s International Health Monitoring System™ (IHMS™) Reports. The Isolated Barrier Unit System has an unparalleled record for keeping MPF™ rodents free of specific species of Helicobacter sp. (H. bilis, H. hepaticus, H. rodentium, H. typhlonius, H. trogontum, H. muridarium*), Parvoviruses, Pasteurella pneumotropica and other pathogenic organisms. All MPF™ rodents are packed in filtered, plastic shipping containers within their Barrier Unit of origin. No MPF™ unacceptable organisms allowed.
Additional Taconic Animal Health Information:
Taconic Health Standards
Overview of International Health Monitoring System (IHMS™) (PDF file: 440KB)
Health Monitoring Program Description
Description of IHMS Panels
*If detected, other species of Helicobacter will be managed on a case-by-case basis.